Spark Basics: First Steps and Examples

how to use this tutorial

This tutorial is made up of Blueprints for mini projects, placed into lessons meant to teach you about how to use your new Spark device.

Blueprints help you do everything from blink your device for the first time to wiring a whimsical home invasion protection system. Each Blueprint is made up of discrete parts:

Blueprint Name

description of the blueprint

Ingredients (This section includes a list of what you will need to complete the Blueprint.)

  • Hardware
    • Components that you may need, such as...
    • Core/Photon
    • Sensors
    • Shields
    • Cords
    • etc...
  • Software
    • Applications you may need, such as...
    • Command line tools
    • Smartphone apps
    • etc...
  • Experience
    • Knowledge that is helpful to complete this Blueprint, such as...
    • Past Blueprints
    • Proficiency with various programming languages


Steps are listed below materials. They are often interspersed with:

Learning notes

These are notes for beginners. They explain key concepts that the Blueprint is trying to illustrate. You know they are coming because of the line above and the block quoting. You know they have ended when the block quotes end...

...and normal formatting returns below the line.

Now get your device ready and read on!